The 5 Coolest Tech Innovations From the 2022 Detroit Auto Show
The 2022 Detroit Auto Show has come and gone. This show gave us a look at many new cars but also some of the coolest tech innovations for the future.
Will all of these tech items make it to the market? Possibly not, but most automakers and tech developers took the time to show us how new tech could be something that makes a huge difference in our driving experiences. Let’s take a look at five new items that might hit the market in upcoming new car models.
Harman Ready Care Gets To Know You Intimately
Some cars already have a driver drowsiness alert, but there’s much more to ensure you’re alert and engaged with your drive than droopy eyelids. Harman is working to fix the problem of zoning out or becoming overloaded with cognitive information. They have developed a new item called Harman Ready Care that uses sensors and cameras to watch you more closely. These items can detect your heartbeat and watch your facial expressions to ensure you’re still alert and engaged with the drive.
At the Detroit Auto Show, Harman displayed the data from the cameras and sensors to show how this system works in real time. Most likely, when installed in a vehicle, the data won’t be displayed. The system is made to work with other features to ensure you stay engaged during your drive. Some solutions you might find include altered air or seat temperatures, different sound choices, or changes to the lighting. This is one of the coolest tech innovations for cars, and it could take away that feeling you get when you arrive somewhere but aren’t sure how you got there, which can happen when you use the same commuter route for several years.
The Brose Radar Power Trunk Opener Might be the Next Step
If you’ve ever done the “one-foot dance” behind your trunk with one foot waving, hands full of boxes or bags, waiting for the trunk to open, you understand the frustration. Most of these hands-free trunk opening devices use a sensor under the bumper that detects the motion of your foot before opening. This can be challenging, but Brose might have the solution.
The Brose system can be programmed to respond to a gesture of your choice to open the trunk. This means you don’t have to wave under the bumper but could put a hand near the rear or on the side door in a specified location to get the trunk to open. This new Broze system is expected to be affordable and weighs 45 percent less than the typical mechanized closer of most trunks. This could be one of the coolest tech innovations for the future and take the hands-free trunk to the next level.
Are You Tired of Wireless Charging Pads? Yanktech has the Answer
Current wireless charging pads for your devices require that you place your device on the pad to make the charging work. Some pads won’t charge a phone if there’s a case on it, which can be problematic for some drivers. Yanktech has an answer that might give us the charging we need. Instead of placing a device on a specific pad, the charging can occur through the air, like Wi-Fi, using magnetic resonance technology.
If perfected, this new Yanktech wireless charging power could send the charging power up to 18 inches to a phone. This means you can continue to use your phone while it’s being charged, just like you would if it was plugged in at home. Yanktech says this might be one of the coolest tech innovations, but it can be used for more than charging devices. It could replace wiring required for power windows, locks, doors, and seats by sending power to them as needed through the Wi-Fi system.
The Cobalt Cube Could be Ideal for Screen Casting
If you’re tired of the strings attached to casting your phone display to your infotainment screen through Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, the Cobalt Cube could be the solution. This new item is a hardware and software solution capable of casting information from any mobile device brought into the vehicle. This means you can project your linked information from a table or phone without the limitations of the current systems we see in most vehicles. This system is already expected to be part of a new vehicle heading to market soon.
Another great use of the Cobalt Cube is to project laptop content onto a screen, making it much easier to send this information where you need to in an RV. The Cobalt Cube isn’t only one of the coolest tech innovations we see from the 2022 Detroit Auto Show; it’s also being developed for First Responders to project information as needed. This device has many applications and could be used for advanced navigation and entertainment purposes in RVs, making the experience more enjoyable on the open road.
Added Safety Provided by the Tesseract Uniform Deceleration Unit
The safer and faster a vehicle can decelerate when in a crash, the more likely the occupants will escape unharmed. This new item from Tesseract Structural Innovations is a device that’s made to bring a vehicle to a grinding halt and absorb the impact of a crash much better than what we have right now. The side impact areas of a vehicle are still the most susceptible to damage and injury.
This new Uniform Deceleration Unit is made of aluminum cylinders in a foam casing that could be added around the structural frame in the side areas of a car. These items can be an added protection barrier to ensure occupants stay much safer. Another use for this item is to create a barrier around electric vehicle batteries to keep them intact. This might be necessary for the future to ensure battery packs have a better chance of staying safe and not bursting into flames. This impressive new safety feature is one of the coolest tech innovations in the market.
Which of these five items piques your interest? These are only five of the coolest tech innovations to come out of the 2022 Detroit Auto Show.
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