Summer Gas Prices Rising: Tips to Save at the Pump
It’s that time of the year again. Gas prices are on the rise, and you want to understand how to get more out of a tank of gas. Here are a few tips for you.
The summer months are when we typically see a rise in fuel prices. Much like the peak hours of electrical use in your home, summer is the peak season for gasoline consumption. Kids are out of school, the weather is much nicer, and most people schedule their vacations during this season. The national average gas price just before Independence Day was only a penny less than it was at the same time last year.
Here are some great ways to handle rising gas prices without breaking the bank.
Use those big-box deals
Your shopping membership might be worth more than having groceries delivered to your doorstep. This membership might give you healthy discounts on fuel at participating pumps. If you’re a Walmart+ member, you could save up to 10 cents per gallon at more than 13,000 stations around the country. Also, Costco, Sam’s Club, and BJ’s often have better fuel prices than what you’ll find at most local stations.
Add your credit card points to the equation
Some credit card companies offer cash back when you pay at the pump. This means you can take advantage of the store discount for gas and still enjoy the benefits that come with a credit card that rewards you. Some cards pay you every week; others pay for each purchase. The amount could be as much as 5% on some cards, which gives you a generous way to offset gas prices and enjoy some impressive fuel savings.
Let technology be your friend
GPS apps have come a long way and can display the gas prices at pumps along your route. This can help you find the right gas station to save a few cents per gallon. It’s strange how different fuel prices can be from one station to the next, even those within a few miles of each other. Using the prices that display on your TripTik or AAA travel-planning app, you’ll pay a little less when you stop for fuel. This small savings can add up over time.
Drive the eco-friendly routes
If you have an Eco mode on your car, you should use it to offset the increased gas prices. Another way to make your driving smoother and more efficient is to turn on the eco-friendly route feature in Google Maps. This feature recommends the most fuel-efficient path to minimize hills and stop-and-go traffic patterns. Overall, this should give you a smoother route to work and help save fuel during your ride. The car can do a better job of maintaining speeds than you; let it do its job.
Improve your driving habits
You were taught to drive smoothly, so why do you take off from a stop or brake hard? Instead of driving hard, slow down, accelerate and brake more slowly, and improve your driving habits. These improvements do more than simply improve your overall fuel mileage; they also enable you to drive much safer than before. More conservative driving habits can pay off with lowered maintenance costs, fewer moving violations, and more confidence from your passengers. Use the tips and suggestions you were taught when you first began driving.
Keep your vehicle properly maintained
Is your air filter clogged? Do your tires need air? How much tread is on your tires? Are your brakes in good order? Do you need an oil change? These are all items that can lead to changes in your fuel mileage figures. When you want to offset the increased summer gas prices, you’ve got to make sure your car is properly maintained. It also helps to ditch any extra stuff that might be in your car and make sure you don’t have any extra stuff that would lower fuel efficiency.
Consider driving a hybrid car
You might not be ready to go full EV, and that’s fine, but a hybrid car could help you save a lot of money on gas in the long run. If it’s time for your next ride, consider a hybrid vehicle that can save you thousands of dollars in fuel costs each year. More vehicles than ever have hybrid alternatives, making it easy to find a hybrid that can give you the fuel savings you desire.
Gas prices are on the rise and might not come back down until after Labor Day. If you want to offset these higher prices, consider some of these tips and increase your fuel mileage results.
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