Stay Calm and Avoid Road Rage When You’re Driving
Your day isn’t going well and the other drivers on the road are annoying you to no end. What you’re feeling is the beginning of road rage.
We’ve heard stories of people who allowed this feeling to get the best of them and flew off the handle. You might have watched some videos and wondered how someone could lose their composure so easily, but it can happen.
Factors that Often Contribute to Road Rage
The overwhelming feeling of anger that takes over when you drive can come from several factors and it’s important you recognize all of them.
• Traffic Delays –heavy traffic, hitting all the stoplights, full parking lots, and passengers crossing your path can all lead to frustration
• Running Late –Whether this happens because you failed to plan or because of an accident, the feeling of anxiety you can experience when running late is a factor
• Anonymity –You don’t expect to see other drivers again and that might give you the feeling of empowerment when you see another driver doing something annoying
• Disregard for the Law –Not much help for this one, especially if you have this feeling when you drive
• Learned Behavior –did your parents yell at other drivers while you were in the car, this can be the reason you do the same
Work to Avoid the Angry and Frustrating Feeling
Now that you know some of the factors that can contribute to you feeling angry when behind the wheel, it’s important that you take steps to ensure you won’t give in to this feeling when you’re driving. Let’s look at some things you can do to stay calm during your drive.
Plan Ahead
You never know when there is going to be an accident, construction, or more traffic than normal. Give yourself plenty of time to get where you need to go before a scheduled appointment. It’s never bad to be early, but it can be detrimental to be late. Plan extra time to ensure you can drive calmly regardless of the challenges on the road.
Keep Calm with a Great Environment
Turn your drive into a pleasure cruise with a comfortable and peaceful environment. Listen to music that calms you and sing along, pay attention to your grip on the wheel and your breathing. When you focus on being calm, you’ll actively avoid giving into road rage.
Let Other Drivers Do Their Thing
Is someone tailgating you on the highway? Do you see a driver changing lanes and climbing traffic? Let them go and let them do their thing to others. When faced with a tailgater, move over and let them get past you. Imagine the empowering feeling of avoiding the confrontation that would come from brake-checking the person who is right behind you.
Avoid Eye Contact with Aggressive Drivers
You might not be doing anything wrong during your drive, but that person honking their horn and waving their hands at you certainly disagrees. As they come up next to you, don’t make eye contact and simply continue to drive as safely as you can toward your destination. There’s no reason for their bad day to impact you.
Act Your Age
Does showing off an obscene gesture truly get you any of the results you’re looking for? Of course not. You’re an adult and you simply need to act like it when you’re behind the wheel. Keep yourself calm and even when others frustrate you, simply remind yourself that you are an adult and need to act like it.
Be a Polite Driver
Even when someone is looking down at their phone when the light turns green try to be polite. This is often a situation in which we feel we need to honk the horn, but just be patient and polite. Let that driver come to their senses and get going when they notice the green light in front of them.
Stay Safe on the Road
If you have a driver that has succumbed to road rage following you and every move you make, don’t go home. Drive as safely as you can and head toward the nearest police station. If the other driver follows you at least you can gain some protection when you finally stop.
Road Rage isn’t All the Rage
It’s important that you remain calm and under control when you’re driving your vehicle. You need to be a defensive driver and one that can be safe. Don’t give in to the feelings of road rage and make sure you reach your destination with a calm demeanor.
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