It May Be Too Early to Phase Out Gasoline Engines
With electric vehicle technology and production in its infancy, there is a group opposed to the phase out of gasoline engines.
This concern has reached Washington, D. C., and it’scertainly under review by Congress to see if hard dates are needed or the automotive industry needs to be given a little bit more leeway. There’s a good chance we’re going to see gasoline cars for the foreseeable future.
The Message from the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association
This organization represents more than 1,000 vehicle suppliers and they recently informed the Senate Commerce subcommittee they should continue to set regulatory requirements that work toward more efficient gas engines and longer-range EV models. In addition to this improvement in the automotive market, this organization advises against setting hard phase out dates for gasoline engines to no longer be offered.
Growth and Progress Take Time
The current presidential administration is the first to make such a bold statement as to create a plan to have the entire government fleet be changed from gasoline to electric vehicles. This plan is beginning to take shape but it will likely take a few years before the fleet is upgraded. As for the rest of the market, it will likely be at least another twenty years before new gasoline models aren’t being built.
Some States Want the Phase Out to Have a Hard Date
Many governors and state representatives have calledfor President Joe Biden to end sales of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035. States that have stood out to make this call include California, New York, Massachusetts, and North Carolina. This could be a tough call for the president because of the advice coming from MEMA that tells us that gasoline models will be offered until around 2041.
California Set Their Own Plan
The plan that California came up with to phase out gasoline engines has the same hard date as the various governors proposed. As the state that sells the most hybrid and electric vehicles in the country, California is poised to no longer sell gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035, but this date was not supported by President Biden during his campaign, but that might not stop this state from moving away from gasoline.
Where Do We Go from Here?
Should a gasoline phase out take place in 2035, in 2041, or without a hard date at all? How fast will the development of a widespread EV infrastructure take place? Can gas stations be replaced with electric chargers over the next few years? Will charging times be improved to be as short as the time it takes to refuel with gasoline?
These questions are what need to be answered, but the advice from MEMA tells us that we need to dial backthe aggressiveness toward gasoline models for now. Expect to see new gasoline models being offered for the next couple of decades before we begin to phase out engines that use this type of fuelto allow them to drive on the road.
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