How can You Make Truck Camping Easier?
The whole idea behind buying a vehicle that can go off road is to have something you can head out and reach remote locations of the world with. This is an amazing concept, but sometimes you have to ensure the trip can be a little easier as you prepare better. Before you head out on your next truck camping trip there are a few things you should do to your vehicle to make sure you can have an even better time with everything where you need it to be for your next outdoor adventure.
If you love to sleep in your truck or SUV you should purchase an air mattress that fits the area you will sleep in. For size and comfort, we recommend Ram and Dodge. Air matresses are now made to fit the backseat area of a crew cab pickup or be the right fit between the wheel wells. Being up off the ground on a cloud of air can really help you get a great sleep and be prepared to have a lot of fun the next day. Trying to sleep across the bench seat of a truck may leave you with a seatbelt in your back or side to leave you sore the next morning.
When it’s time to cook, where are your utensils? Are they in a tub being tossed around or do you have them properly organized. One way you can get these items out of your way and have them ready for you at a moment’s notice is to use the tailgate of your truck to create a table and utensil support system that will make it look like you brought a gourmet kitchen out on the trail with you. A tailgate table can fold down and then fold back up to hide the utensils you have attached to a sheet of Masonite which makes for an attractive storage area.
Instead of attaching your utensil board directly to your tailgate, just attach the masonite sheet that has the tools strapped to them. This will keep your knives and utensils organized and where you need them when it comes time to prepare food once again. The beauty of this system is you can change it out for another and use the same holes in your tailgate for either hanging system to have the items you need on the trail available for you where you need them. With a tailgate table utensil system you will look like a professional truck camper.
Another item to never forget when you head out on the trail for the night is a camp chair. This comes in handy in areas where you don’t have picnic tables or seating. When you find the remote location where you will set up camp for the night you don’t want to sit inside your vehicle or on the ground. These chairs come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes to have the one that is perfect for your camping trip which will give you the comfort you want and the flexibility to fit it in with the rest of the gear.
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