The New Mazda CX-5 is Better than Ever
While you ay tire of hearing that a vehicle is better than it was in the past and in some cases the evolution of a model should have been left alone, the new Mazda CX-5 is certainly something special. This SUV has been redesigned and will be the midsized SUV from Mazda that will give you everything you want from a design and comfort aspect. If you think of the beauty and grace of the larger CX-9 and shrink it down a little, you have what the new CX-5 looks like for us to enjoy.
For 2017 there will be a new engine offered and it will be a diesel power plant. This is something we haven’t had from Mazda in the past and it won’t arrive until the second half of 2017, but you can bet this new engine will be one that you’ll want under the hood of your CX-5. The size has been reported at 2.2-liters, but no other details have become available just yet, making it difficult to make a judgement on this engine, but the fact is it will most likely be more fuel efficient than what we currently have on the market.
The Mazda CX-5 has been one of the best-selling vehicles in its class for a number of years because of the drive you receive with this SUV. The G-Vectoring control you get to enjoy make it easy for you to have the ride you want and that system has been enhanced to work with the SkyActiv engines to offer the best driving experience possible. An improved ride in an SUV that already gives us a great ride is something we certainly will enjoy as the CX-5 shows up for this new model year.
This is a more beautiful SUV than before. There’s no doubt about that fact at all. The lines are admirable and the look is more playful than ever before. If you’re looking for an SUV that looks great and shows off with what appears to be luxury like features you’ll never be disappointed in what you find when you look at the CX-5. The vehicle is so striking you could easily find yourself forgetting to get in and drive, but that would be the tragedy of the entire reason you went out of the house and to the driveway in the first place.
On the inside the Mazda CX-5 offers us space that’s separated from each other in the front making it feel more like a luxury vehicle. That’s an amazing way to configure the cabin in a mainstream SUV that’s affordable, but this CX-5 isn’t exactly like the last one, it’s much better in many ways. Just looking at the interior space you can see how the driver is separated from the passengers to make sure everyone has their own little part of the vehicle to enjoy the ride and have the space needed to feel like this is a vehicle that plays higher than its price.
Check out this video. Even though it’s from a show that took place months ago, it does give you an idea of how excited Mazda is for the design and look of the new CX-5 as it prepares to hit the road. Is this the SUV that you’ll choose for your daily driving duties or do you need to wait for the diesel engine to show up? Either way, this is certainly a gorgeous and impressive new CX-5 that looks much better than before and is expected to feel better as well.
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