M Cars that are Hybrids; Really?
When we hear of the M cars from BMW we typically picture cars that are at the top of the power platform for the series. We certainly are picturing the cars right as these are the power beasts for the lineup from BMW but they are built to be much more than just power hungry quarter mile killers, these instead are some of the most athletic and balanced cars on the road today to offer us the performance we want from these cars. So far as we have seen, none of these cars have ever been built as hybrids.
Why would we see the M cars turn hybrid? For some of us that answer may come as a way to add more power. We have seen some of the most active and perfectly built supercars on the road use hybrid and electric power to simply increase the horsepower or to give them the ability to have a smaller engine under the hood which allows the car to be lighter and therefore more agile to be an even better competitor. It seems the M cars could certainly make use of this technology to be the right marriage of power and athleticism to give them the greatest overall performance.
We have already seen BMW embrace the electric power and some of the hybrid improvements as well with the i division that has given us the i3 which is a small hatch and the i8 which an awesome supercar that is one of the most impressive electric sports cars to every make its way onto the streets. Because BMW already has improved some of this technology they just might include some of the electric power or hybridization to their M cars, but the question still remains as to whether or not these cars will have increased horsepower.
The thoughts from BWM so far have been that adding a hybrid or electric powertrain into any car that has the M badge on it will require this additional capability to actually add a meaningful addition to the car and not be just there for the sake of being there. If the hybrid adds to the enjoyment of the drive and makes for a better performing car then BMW is all for adding it to the M car line, but if not then it will be left off as these cars are not made just to have the most power possible.
If you have ever driven an M car you know that this is certainly the truth. These cars are made to be the closest thing we have in the market to the perfect driving car. This means a car that is great for everyone to drive, not just a professional racer and the M cars from BMW do a great job of fitting this label perfectly. They are athletic, active, powerful and agile, making them some of the most fun to drive cars on the road today. As for adding hybrid to the action, we will have to wait and see if BMW takes this approach, but expect if they do that the hybrid aspect adds something important and significant to these amazing cars.
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