All the Buzz About Blind Spot Monitoring
The blind spot on a vehicle can be one of the most treacherous driving locations for any other vehicle as well as the one that has the blind spot. Drives are taught to turn their heads and check their blind spots before changing lanes or turning to ensure there are no vehicles or objects in the area however sometimes drivers forget to check, start moving without actually thinking about the blind spot, or don’t check at all. With the blind spot monitoring system the driver is warned when there is a vehicle in the blind spot area of their vehicle.
The blind spot is the area behind the side mirror that is typically out of view of the side mirror. Some side mirrors have a small circular blind spot mirror attached to them that will cover this area, but unless a driver is paying attention to this tiny mirror, it’s often difficult to determine if another vehicle is in the area or not. With a blind spot monitoring system the driver is notified when a vehicle is in the blind spot area.
A blind spot monitoring system by definition is a vehicle-based sensor device that detects other vehicles located to the driver’s side and rear. The warnings can be visual, audible, vibrating or tactile. What this means is when there is a vehicle in the driver’s side blind spot the system will warn the driver of this and help keep the driver from causing a collision. In some more advanced vehicles, usually at the upper echelon, the vehicle will actually steer itself back into the lane the driver was trying to depart from.
In actuality both the sensor system and the mirror are blind spot monitoring systems, the sensor type is called active blind spot monitoring and the mirror is passive. Different auto makers have developed this system to perform in a variety of ways to warn the driver of potential hazards.
Volvo uses a camera and radar based system that sends signals out from the rear bumper of the vehicle to detect vehicles in the vicinity of the Volvo. An LED will glow on the column at the edge of the windshield if a vehicle is in the watch area and if the driver signals their intention to change lanes in that direction the LED will begin to flash to increase the warning that a vehicle is in the area.
Ford uses a system that is much the same as Volvo, which isn’t a real surprise since it used to own Volvo. The detection system is essentially the same, but the warning is mounted on the outside of the mirror. The light on the side of the mirror with the offending vehicle will begin to flash when a vehicle is on that side of the vehicle.
Audi uses a system that will detect vehicles that are approaching for as far as 150 feet away and will flash a light in the side mirror to warn the driver of the approaching vehicle.
Infiniti has developed the best blind spot monitoring system that is not only a warning system but an intervention system. By using a system of radar and camera like the other automakers the Infiniti vehicles will warn drivers by having blinking LEDs in the rearview mirrors to let the driver know there is a vehicle in the lane that could be a potential hazard. If the driver turns on a turn signal to indicate they are going to change into that lane a noisy warning starts to beep and let the driver know that this is not a good idea. Finally, if the driver is stubborn enough to still try and change lanes, the Infiniti will apply the brakes on the opposite side wheels which effectively bring the vehicle back to the safety of the lane they were departing from.
So many blind spot monitoring systems are available now on many vehicles and in some cases they are offered as a standard features. When shopping for a new car, truck or SUV owners need to decide if this monitoring system is something they need and the answer truthfully should always be “yes”.
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