What Can You do to Prepare for a Last Minute Road Trip?
If suddenly your family or friends call from several states away and you need to head out on the road the next day is your car ready for the task at hand? This is a question you should ask yourself on a regular basis to make sure you have your car ready to go in case you get this call. By performing a quick assessment of your vehicle at regular intervals you can review some of the items that often become neglected during normal driving conditions.
Even when you ensure your oil changes are completed on time and take your car in for regular maintenance you still need to make sure your car is ready should a call for a long road trip come in. Here are some things to check on a regular basis.
Tires – Start checking these by ensuring your tires aren’t improperly worn, cracked or punctured. Look at the treads and make sure your treads are deep enough for the road trip by using a penny upside down to make sure your tread still covers the top of Lincoln’s head. This is also a good time to check the tire pressure of all four tires and make sure you have a spare that’s in good condition. Also, make sure you know where the tools are located that you’ll need to use in case you have a flat tire during your road trip.
Cooling System – Check your radiator fluid levels with the engine cold and top it off if needed. Take a look under the car and check the hoses that run to and from your radiator to make sure everything is free of cracks and attached securely. This is a good time to check the belts of your car and make sure any that need replaced are. If you don’t know how to do this, take the car to a mechanic and have it done.
Oil – Check your oil, but if you haven’t changed your oil in a while, now is the time to do so. Remember the journey you’re about to embark on will have several stops and cross many miles, which puts your oil to work. If you happen to drive a vehicle that has a tendency to burn oil you should bring a few extra quarts with you just in case you end up with less oil than you should have.
Transmission – For the most part this is a worry free part of your vehicle, but when you have high miles or have never changed your transmission fluid it might be a good idea to have this done. If you plan to leave for your road trip the next day you can delay this until you get back and then make sure you change the fluid to keep your transmission operating correctly.
Air Filter – This item may not need replaced, but if it’s exceptionally dirty it will need to be replaced and is easy to do. When replacing the air filter you should make sure it’s free of any leaves or debris that could have built up in this area.
Brakes – If you need to have your brake pads and rotors replaced you might want to consider taking a different vehicle unless you have time to do this yourself or schedule it to be done by a professional. There’s nothing worse than driving down the road with bad brakes and taking a long road trip when you know the brakes need to be replaced can be hazardous to your health.
Wiper Fluid – You have to be able to see on the road and never know what the weather will actually be like when you hit the highway. Top off your wiper fluid and get an extra jug in case you need it along your route. This will be one of the best decisions you make for your road trip.
Nearly all of these items can be taken care of in one day, making it easy to have your car ready to go if someone calls with the news they need you to travel a few states away the next day. Use this list to help you make sure your car is always ready to perform for you, even when no road trip is in the near future.
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